Where will I be:
Current position
Associate Professor in Geometry
Department of Mathematics
University of Pavia (Italy)
Education and positions:
Born in Pavia on June 17, 1977.
1995 high school degree at the Liceo Classico Ugo Foscolo of Pavia (Classical studies).
23th of November 2000: Graduation with full marks (110/110 e lode) in Mathematics at the University of Pavia.
Title of dissertation: Aritmetica di schemi ellittici (arithmetic of elliptic schemes). Advisor: Prof. Lambertus van Geemen.
My Thesis won the Prize Cinquini-Cibrario for the best Thesis in Mathematics in the University of Pavia in the a.y. 2000-2001.
January 2000-August 2001 visiting at the Math Department of Cambridge University, supported by an INDAM scholarship for studies abroad.
October 2001 winner of a Ph.D fellowship in Mathematics and Scientific Calculus (Curriculum in Algebraic Geometry) at the University of Pavia.
In the period July 2005- January 2006 I profited of a pre-doc fellowship issued by the University of Pavia.
I made my final Dissertation on February 2, 2006.
The title of the Thesis is Stability of maps to projective spaces, with application to the slope of fibred surfaces.
Supervisor: Prof. Maurizio Cornalba.
From February 2006 to January 2008:
Post Doc position at the Math. Department of the University of Roma Tre, under the supervision of Prof. Angelo Felice Lopez.
From January 2008 to December 2008
Post Doc position at the Math. Department of the University of Pavia, under the supervision of Dr. Sonia Brivio.
From December 2008 to October 2016:
Ricercatrice in Geometry at the Department of Science and High Thechnology, University of Insubria.
From November 2016 to September 2018:
Associate Professor in Geometry
Department of Science and High Thechnology,
University of Insubria, Como (Italy).
From 1 October 2018 to present:
Associate Professor in Geometry,
Department of Mathematics,
University of Pavia, Italy.
Prizes and awards:
Prize Cinquini-Cibrario for the best Thesis in Mathematics in the University of Pavia in the a.y. 2000-2001.
24 December 2013:
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2012: idoneità per il s.s.c. 01/A2 (Algebra e Geometria)- II Fascia (associate professor-valida dal 24/12/2013 al 24/12/2019).
30 March 2018
Abilitazione Scientifica Nazionale 2016: idoneità per il s.s.c. 01/A2 (Algebra e Geometria)- I Fascia (full professor- valida dal 30/03/2018 fino al 30/03/2024).
Link to my ResearchGate page
Speech on universities and brains, from The wizard of Oz (1938)
The private sector on Ghostbusters
“Se si escludono istanti prodigiosi e singoli che il destino ci può donare, l'amare il proprio lavoro (che purtroppo è privilegio di pochi) costituisce la migliore approssimazione alla felicità sulla terra. Ma questa è una verità che non molti conoscono.”
Primo Levi, La chiave a stella
Events organized I am particularly proud of:
5-9 June 2017 Ph.D. School
LINEAR SYSTEMS ON IRREGULAR VARIETIES, Como Lake School, Villa del Grumello, Como.
Lecturers: Miguel Angel Barja (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), Rita Pardini (università di Pisa), Christian Schnell (Stony Brook University)
Working seminar PV-MI 2015-16 The topic of the seminar is the geometry of the Hodge bundle for fibrations over curves.
Some useful link:
Link to a 1 hour lecture given in March 1972 of Prof. Jean Dieudonné: "The Historical Development of Algebraic Geometry"
Un Blog Matematico, di Francesco Polizzi